apdt asked: how has your work changed the relationships you have with family, friends? where do you see yourself in 2 years? if you had 5 articles of clothing to pull from your closet that you couldn’t live without, what would they be?
AndySiharath: I think the most drastic change in my life isn’t that my work has or hasn’t changed the relationship I have with my friends and family, but the other way around. The new friends that I’ve made and the new friends I have yet to meet have all contributed to this passion and line of work that I’m producing. I am so inspired by people I see and performances that I am able to participate in and witness that contribute to my work that is still new, to me especially, and is still ever growing. I am slowly beginning to see the impact of my work on my family and friends and so far, it’s been a positive one.
In two years, I would love for my name and label to be far dispersed amongst people. I’d love to design full outfits, costumes, looks, etc. and perhaps start performing some. I have this thing where I need to prove to myself that I can do something, i.e. being a go-go-gothic dancer. But once I accomplished that, the high has stuck and I want more! We’ll see. I am very eager and curious to see where life takes me.
Hrmmmm, 5 articles of clothing I would pull from my closet that I could never be without would be:
Black leggings (just discovered how wonderful they are)
High-waisted shorts (I love anything and everything high-waisted)
Floral lace top(s) (do I have to pick just one…)
American Apparel briefs (they’re just cute and colorful)
The bolero with epaulettes I made (it’s just so Beyonce)