This gallery contains 2 photos.
makesomethingawfuleveryday: This is arty, right? Photos by Jesus, duotones by ~*~moi~*~.
This gallery contains 2 photos.
makesomethingawfuleveryday: This is arty, right? Photos by Jesus, duotones by ~*~moi~*~.
Photographer power couple Quinnford + Scout write, “Brilliant stuff by Parker Khouri, Dale Lazarov, Bastian Jonsson and Yann Duminil.”
Thanks to Chicago IRL for sending itself to us, and to the babes that created it!
There are more than a few impressive sights in #2 and we’re already looking forward to #3!
Thanks again! Great work!
Chicago IRL #2 contributor Vincent Chevalier/Hyperflesh Markup Language is raising funds for an artist residency at the Banff Centre. Your booty could look this fine if you help support his project!
Topher begs the crowd to take mini-zines at the release party for #2.
Contributors Steve + Jesus doin’ something
For a super cyber sexy sale, we’re reprinting issue #1 at a cuter size and a lower price! Order #1 & #2 together for only $20 for a limited time.
Trandroid performing Frogs
Northern Light’s fabulous host Nicole Garneau reads from Vincent Chevalier’s “Crui
kyol: chicago irl oh my.